Classes, Clinics, and Boot camps

  • Dog Day Camp

    Upcoming Classes in Yamhill County, Oregon

    Dog Training Classes for 2025

  • Upcoming Classes in South Orange County, California

    Dog Training Classes for 2025

  • Perfect Puppy Obedience Level 1

    If you want to give your puppy the best opportunity to be the best dog in the neighborhood, then this class is for you! Puppies must have all of their puppy vaccinations completed in order to attend this fun and very insightful class. We will be learning all of the Basic obedience foundations PLUS So much more! Some of the things you will be learning with your puppy: Sit, Down, Paws up and OFF, Look at me, Leave it, Sit-stay, Down-stay, Come or here, Recall at a distance with a high level of distraction. Place and Settle, and Loose Leash Walking. The class is fast-paced and informative. The final class is a test of skills and Graduation. We also have an optional Yappy Hour class for 20 minutes after each class to learn proper socialization and life exposure skills. The ages for this class are: 16 weeks to 10 months. All participants must provide proof of completed vaccinations prior to attending this class. Class is offered every 5 weeks, for 1 hour a week.

  • Doggie/Puppy School Obedience Level 1 - Mixed ages

    This class is offered every 30 days. We will be learning all of the basic foundations of obedience PLUS more!

    Sit, Down, Paws up and OFF, Look at me, Leave it, Drop it, Sit-stay, Down-stay, Come or here, Recall at a distance with a high level of distraction. Place and Settle, and Loose Leash Walking. The class is fast-paced and informative. The final class is a test of skills and Graduation. We also offer an optional after class Yappy Hour for 20 minutes IF your dog is not aggressive and Suzanne feels that they would benefit by learning proper socialization skills, and how to navigate a dog park safely with your dog. Dogs must be up to date on their vaccinations, and email proof sent to me prior to the first class. Class is 4 weeks, for 1 hour a week.

  • Obedience Level 2 - Teenage Blues

    Before joining this next level of class, Obedience Level 1 must have been successfully completed. Obedience Level 2 is a 4-week class, 1 hour a week. This class is offered every 30 to 60 days. We will be working on learning exercises that push the level of your dog's obedience skills and focus to the next level of excellence, and we will train our dogs in real life locations, and situations in order to BOMB PROOF their listening skills and responsiveness to your requests. We work in new locations every week, such as downtown areas, Lowes, Home Depot, Shopping Mall, etc. This class has helped so many teenage dogs, or dogs that were ready to be challenged, needed to be challenged and continue building that trust and confidence, with their owners. This class has a high emphasis on proper socialization and life exposure skills.

    I love seeing the dogs, and their handlers on first day of class, and then compare to the final day of class - what a difference!

  • Canine Good Citizen

    In this class I will help to prepare you for the AKC Canine Good Citizen Test and Certification. There are 10 Items that you and your dog must master in order to receive this certification, and we will be learning and putting into practice these challenging and fun items in a group class. We will be helping and challenging each other to have confident, well, mannered and calm dogs in social environments. The 5th class we will be practicing in busy environments like a downtown area, a store, an outdoor cafe, etc. The 6th class will be the Test day. If you are not ready we will offer other test dates for you to attend. I am an AKC Approved Evaluator and have helped 100’s of dogs to become Canine Good Citizens. Your dog is NEXT!

  • Help with your Reactive Dog

    On-Leash Reactivity is often described as one the most debilitating and frustrating behavioral problems that owners suffer with their dogs. It is also very confusing to people because their dogs may not be aggressive, but the reactivity causes people to believe that they are. Reactive dogs are often seen lunging, barking, snapping, redirect biting, “scream barking”(as I call it), and pulling and controlling you all over and even sometimes down to the ground. It is embarrassing, frustrating, and just not fun at all. I specialize in helping Reactive Dogs and their Owners. I travel to other States and Cities offering my Bootcamp and teach my method of Building Trust on Leash (BTL). I see you, and I feel your pain, and I can help you!

    This is my absolute favorite thing to help people and their dogs with. My dog Max is a formerly reactive odg and so I understand first hand the struggle and the importance of providing you real help that actually works. I do not use treats, or food of any kind as distractions. Most dogs when in that state of mind will not accept food. They may for a while, but then go right back to the Reactive and fearful state of mind. I do not use prong collars, stimulation collars or rough and harsh corrections. The method I teach is based on Natural Horsemanship and also the Trust Technique. It is gentle and yet controlled and very different than anything offered.

    There is nothing more important than having a nice walk with your dog, and being able to move forward with your dog connected as one, trusting your guidance, and you trusting them to be calm and not in a state of fear. I offer a On-Leash Reactive Dog Bootcamp and private 1 on 1 sessions to learn Building Trust on Leash Method.

  • Barkour Class (Urban Agility)

    BARKOUR - Urban agility in rural, and city environments in Yamhill County. Class begins this week every 4 weeks! Barkour is great for Confidence building and engagement for both the dog and the owner. Most of all it is FUN! As a Relationship-based Dog Trainer, this is the most important part of helping my clients and their dogs. When you have built trust, clear communication, engagement, and consistency, then you have a winning formula for a limitless relationship with your dog. They will be happy to learn and engage with you. It makes life easy, fun and fulfilling for both dog and owner to reach this point in your relationship. This class is designed to help in build this critical step! Each week gets incrementally more challenging, and is a different location throughout the County.

Dog Training Services

  • Not sure where to start? Begin with an in home consultation.

    I receive emails everyday from people frustrated by the behaviors they are experiencing with their dog. They don’t know why these behaviors are happening, or how to stop them, but they need help! Thankfully I am here to help you. But where do you begin?

    We begin with you clicking below to fill out you the intake form. The form allows me to gain answers as to what you are experiencing, and also to see what your goals are. From there I will send you a link to schedule and in home You are also welcome to go ahead and schedule a 1 hour, in home evaluation and consultation. The cost for the appointment is $125.00. All Training sessions begin with this mandatory initial Consultation. This is a private 1 hour meeting between you and I and your dog. During this meeting we will discuss issues you are experiencing with your dog and your goals. This evaluation also allows us the opportunity to get to know each other a bit to ensure a good fit. You can ask me about anything, my methods, my tools, my background, my experience, etc. In the time I am with you, I will discuss my suggested Training Plan, to help you and your dog reach your goals. I am also watching your interaction with your dog, I am watching the dog’s interaction with you, and other family members. I am also looking at how trainable hey are, what motivates them, what is their routine for exercise, what do they eat, how are they healthwise, I am looking at the dog and your relationship holistically. This helps me to better help you and your dog.

  • 1 on 1 Behavior Modification - 3, 6 and 10 Session Packages

    If your dog is giving you the “talk to the paw” attitude and you need help with anything from serious behavioral problems like resource guarding, reactivity on leash, door dashing and then not recalling, aggression cases. incessant barking, public nuisance, etc. I also address and help with other behaviors such as potty accidents, EVERYTHING PUPPY, puling on-leash, and even basic obedience.

    1 hour session $90.00 to $125.00 (depending upon location)

    Pre-purchased Packages

    3 - 1 hour session package $275.00

    6 - 1 hour sessions package $525.00

    10 - 1 hour sessions package $965.00

  • Boarding School Dog and Puppy Training


    OUR BOARDING SCHOOL PROGRAM - for Puppies 12 weeks to 1 year of age only

    Puppies are such a pleasure but they can be a lot of work! This program was designed to give your Pup and you the tools and the foundation to help them to become a confident, well socialized and well Mannered puppy and adult dog.

    Things your puppy will learn on verbal cue:

    Basic Foundational Cues - Sit, Down, Sit-stay, Down-stay, Extended stay (Place and Settle), Reliable Recall (Come or Here), Leave it, Drop it, and OFF!(no jumping up on things or people)

    - House breaking (Potty training)

    - Loose Leash walking

    - Eliminating mouthing and jumping (Off!)

    - Crate training

    - Proper socialization with dogs, and humans

    - City life skills for outdoor markets and cafes, and pet friendly stores

    - Socialization exercises to meeting new people in busy environments ( local parks and other locations that have people, kids, Life happening)

    -On-leash engagement and walking politely on a loose leash

    This program is a 14 Day program(home on the 14th day, at the end of the day). You will receive regular progress reports, photos and videos of your pups' stay on what they are learning. I train one dog in my home at a time. I will only book 2 dogs a month maximum. They are indoors, and have lots of outdoor access. They sleep in a crate, in my bedroom with us at night, and for naptime. They will be exercised and trained and cared, for as if they are my very own dogs.

    Upon going home you and your pup will participate in a 1- 2 hour go home lesson in your home to get you and your family up to speed on what the pup knows and the structure we have created in order to have the best success. Your puppy will be invited to two follow-up day training days for continual progress. You will also receive 2 more in your home sessions of training, to help continue to ensure proper transfer of skills and cues to you and your family. My Method of training is positive reinforcement.

    Cost for this 14 day Boarding School program is $2,250.00

    I also offer an option for adolescent dogs that includes Basic Foundational obedience, and socialization. I will work on behavioral issues as well and tailor your program to what your dog and you need. Price and time are dependent upon those goals.